NY Sound off
Super RTLBig BrotherFight for your wife!Alles Typisch!Sat1Judge Barbara SaleschDas JugendgerichtPRO7SabrinaDas große ABC - BarbieIch Tarzan, Du Jane!Gülcan & CollienI know, who\'s good for you!Welcome to Mario BarthRTL Punkt 12Absolut SchleglDas große ABC - Donald DuckVOXRTL2WDR & ARDDas bewegt NRWUnser neues ZuhauseRTLDer Requardt

A safe landing resulting from experience!

We learned the television trade through "on the job" experience and have been involved in over 1,500 recordings of major TV shows, studio productions, TV reports, including several outdoor shootings.

We know the audience and particularly the viewing habits, so we can skillfully stimulate their "need" to acquire your product.


Our network includes over 350 contacts to the best staff members in film business. When involved in projects, we interact only with top-recognized professionals on whom we rely with total confidence.

With extensive experience and outstanding contacts, your movie will have "greater value".